Happy Mothers Day!

For mothers day my husband got me a bag of skittles and a package of dark chocolate kit kat, after I had mentioned how I was craving sweets since the baby was born. LOL. I love him.
Here is a picture of him taken yesterday at the local Rugby Club, the members of which presented my husband with an engraved pewter tankard and a bottle of champagne to celebrate little ones birth. Awesome people! My wonderful husband is a photographer, by the way.
For mothers day I also got a lovely painting of a flower and a little paper box with two candies in it from my 5 year old daughter. She made the flower using potatoes and my husband said it looked very "Jackson Pollack". I loved it.
My poor son said he had forgot his gift at school, so I guess I have something else to look forward to, tomorrow! Yey!
Putting lansinoh on after feeding The Littlest Emperor, and it helps alot! Now, if I just had a cream to relieve the latching on agony, and the burning that sears up the left side of my body when he's finished. Take what I can get though, I suppose.
Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there. Hope it was lovely!
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