Looking Forward To:

Chili Fiesta 5&6 August Chichester I don't branch out in my cooking very often, probably as I've never really been exposed to different tastes or textures. So, I'm looking forward to learning alot about chilis and what to do with them and how to grow them in my garden!
Totally Tomato Show 9&10 September Chichester This will be great as I've just started growing my own tomatoes. They're doing great and I'm having a lot of fun with it. It will be fun to get some growing tips and usage ideas!
Apple Affair 4&5 October Chichester While I don't really like apples right out of the bowl, I think they are fabulous to cook with and I love to try my hand at different apple recipes. Hopefully I'll get some great new ideas and tips at this show!
More Info for these shows
Also coming up is the Salisbury Food and Drink Fair on August 28 and 29th. Which looks like fun and a chance to pick up some things I can't usually get in my local Tesco or Sainsburys.
And the Souths preeminent food show the Emsworth Food Festival. 8-10th Spetember Emsworth. I'll be sending off for tickets to various demonstrations they'll be having soon. These includes local restauranteurs showing off their cuisine and plenty of wine tasting that I'll probably pass on. We went last year and had a great time trying different types of food and seeing all the different ways to prepare dishes. This year I'll have more of an interest since I've started this blog and have decided to really branch out in my cooking. I can't wait! Good thing Chichester is right up the road from Emsworth so, I wont have to miss that tomato show!
There are other great food happenings the rest of the year, but most are well away from my area. You can check them out here, though- if you're interested!
What shows are you headed to this summer/autumn? What are some good shows I should keep an eye out for? (Here and in the states)
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